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Principle 5 8

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Principle 5

Principle #4 should be designed to better understand business performance, reduce inefficiencies, evaluate security and manage the risks critical to strategy. This is a good place to transition to principle #5, capital structure. Principle #5: Capital Structure. Principle of Feedback: This is the most im­portant principle of an effective communication system. The communicator must have feedback confirmation from the recipient whether the mes­sages communicated, have been understood in the same sense in which the sender takes it and also whether the recipient is agreed or disagreed the proposal.

Rapidweaver 7 7 5. Yorkshire Co-operative Resource Centre

Become a Member of Principle 5

Protect and safeguard the books, publications, archival materials and resources placed in trust for the use of the co-operative movement and for future generations.

Make these available to all members who would wish to use them.

Provide a focus for co-operative education and culture through talks, discussions, film screenings, social events, visits to other co-operative venues, study groups etc.

Support the development of co-operative education and culture.

Work co-operatively with other organisations and individuals who have compatible aims.

Seek support from the wider co-operative movement.

Be as true as possible to the ICA Statement of Co-operative identity (Values and Principles).


An accessible co-operative learning and information resource for all.

Lending Library

Co-operative archive

Co-operative information resource

Talks, study groups, visits and film screenings Android file transfer doesn t detect phone.

Engagement with other co-operatives and libraries

Co-operative News both current and back issues
always available for readers

Supporting the global co-operative marque

What is Co-opMaps?

Co-opMaps is a suite of software tools, standards and documentation which provides co-operative analysts, scholars and consultants with a standardized, visual, diagrammatic approach to documenting past, present and future structures of the co-operative movement. Co-opMaps News 4 Dec 2018


Principle 5

AGM (2018)

* AGM held on the 2nd November 2017


AGM held on22nd November 2016

AGM held onthe 8th September 2015


Principle 5 Rules (Articles) Focus 1 4 20 – block distracting websites and apps.


Dennis Chambers.

Jonathan Cook. Chair

Chris Olewicz. Publications

Principle 5 Volunteers

Steve Thompson. Membership and library

Steve Wagstaff. Co-opMaps

Principle 5 Attack Solidarity

© UNICEF/NYHQ2009-0576/Marta Ramoneda
On 26 May, a displaced baby boy sleeps under a mosquito net in Jalozai Camp in Nowshera District in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

The corporate responsibility to respect includes:


a. Ensuring that testing and research of products and services likely to be used or consumed by children is conducted in line with relevant national and international standards.
b. Ensuring that products and services for children or to which children may be exposed are safe and do not cause mental, moral or physical harm.
c. Restricting access to products and services that are not suitable for children or that may cause them harm, while ensuring that all such actions align with international standards, including non-discrimination, freedom of expression and access to information.
d. Taking all reasonable steps to eliminate discrimination against any child or group of children in the provision of products and services.
e. Seeking to prevent and eliminate the risk that products and services could be used to abuse, exploit or otherwise harm children in any way.

The corporate commitment to support includes:

Principle 5 8%

f. Taking steps to maximize the accessibility and availability of products and services that are essential to children's survival and development.
g. Seeking opportunities to support children's rights through products and services, as well as their distribution.

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