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Web Confidential 5 0 46

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The 5 C's are general guidelines, and each psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinician must take into account all pertinent factors before acting in any situation. Trusting Your Psychiatrist. Your information is well-guarded with Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic, a well-trusted psychiatry and psychotherapy clinic in Singapore. Web Confidential is a Palm OS program. It runs on Palm OS compatible devices with Palm OS 2.0 or higher. Please try Web Confidential for Palm OS to see if it runs without problems on your device. So many of the Web's most popular services—e-mail and search as well as photo and video sharing—may be free, but that doesn't mean they come without a cost. That price is information about the people using those services as well as their online behavior—intelligence that Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other Internet companies exchange for advertising revenue. The trade-off of privacy for free services is generally acceptable to most Web users, who are used to incessant advertising—and at times even benefit from personalized attempts to sell them products and services.
The darker side of bartering in personal data, however, is that Web users lose control over who has access to their information, which is often shared well beyond the scope of their original understanding. Google uses automated scanning to filter spam and deliver targeted advertising to its Gmail users, claiming they have 'no expectation of privacy' when using its free e-mail service. Facebook, meanwhile, recently settled a $20-million class action settlement following a lawsuit over the social network's lucrative 'Sponsored Stories' program that shares users' 'likes' of certain advertisers with friends without paying them or allowing them to opt out.
In addition to nuisance ads, unsolicited e-mails and unintended endorsements, this oversharing creates other, more serious threats to privacy, says Seth Schoen, senior staff technologist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Personalized ads could reveal to others a Web user's sensitive or embarrassing medical condition, particularly if that user shares a computer with others or surfs the Web in a public place. 'The better the ad personalization gets, the more significant those consequences could be,' Schoen adds.
Information collected via the Web could also be problematic for a person during legal proceedings. A lot of people don't realize that subpoena power in civil cases is broader than it is in criminal cases, Schoen says. Internet service providers (ISPs) and other companies doing business on the Web can be forced to turn over most information they have about their users or customers as part of a lawsuit such as an employment dispute or divorce.
Another threat to privacy involves how well Web companies entrusted with their customers' personal information secure that data from being lost or stolen and used to steal a person's identity. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit that tracks data breaches, reports that nearly 1.8 million data records have been lost or stolen this year from businesses, government agencies and health care facilities. 'The risk comes simply from the companies collecting and storing personal information, and it's not a very unlikely or hypothetical concern,' Schoen says.
Despite this bleak outlook for privacy, there are tools available to Web users designed to protect personal information from prying eyes. None of these tools alone ensures complete privacy or protection from cyber snooping, but they do offer a way to trim the data trails that curtail one's privacy.
E-mail, social networks and other online services often request contact and payment information when users sign up. There are no rules, however, that prevent users from disguising their actual e-mail addresses, phone numbers and credit card numbers as a privacy precaution. Abine, Inc., offers a Web browser plug-in for Firefox and Google Chrome called MaskMe that gives people the ability to create aliases for this type of personal information.
The free version of MaskMe creates an alternate e-mail address whenever a Web site asks for a user's e-mail. E-mails from that site can be accessed via a MaskMe in-box or forwarded to a user's regular e-mail account. The 'premium' version of MaskMe—$5 per month—enables masked phone numbers, credit cards and access to the MaskMe iOS and Android apps, which let users view info about their Abine accounts from their mobile devices.
Abine's other services include DoNotTrackMe and DeleteMe. The former is a plug-in that prevents Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari browsers from sharing user information withs transmitted over the Internet. Even when a browser is in private mode, an ISP will still know when and where it customers went online as well as the sites they visited. Ms paint software download. Likewise, those sites will retain any information they obtained from users during those visits.
More than a decade ago, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory initiated The Onion Routing project—now referred to simply as Tor—to develop software for preserving one's privacy while using the Web. 'Onion routing' refers to the practice of encasing data and its routing instructions in multiple layers of encryption, making it more difficult to trace a user's Internet activity.
Tor, which the EFF funded for a few years before privacy-promoting nonprofit The Tor Project took over stewardship of the work in 2006, includes a browser that routes users' Web surfing activity through a network of relays run by volunteers worldwide, a process that makes it difficult to pinpoint a particular user's location. Tor Browser, which is actually a modified version of Firefox, essentially anonymizes the origin of Web traffic by encrypting communications inside the Tor network.
The Tor Project counts former National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange as two of its most high-profile supporters. Still, Tor Browser's design limits its speed and certain conveniences offered by less secure browsers. The use of different nodes in the Tor Network to promote anonymity, for example, can slow data transmissions. In addition, data is decrypted once it exits the Tor Network, leaving it vulnerable to eavesdroppers at that point.
In a move to make greater use of HTTPS (or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to protect communications over the Web, the EFF partnered with The Tor Project to create HTTPS Everywhere as a plug-in for Firefox and Chrome. HTTPS Everywhere automatically activates HTTPS encryption for all areas of a site that support this protocol. Some sites, including the New York Times, allow HTTPS for text but not images, which means someone might be able to determine which images a browser loads when visiting
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) e-mail encryption software, meanwhile, prevents even a web-mail provider from reading its customers' messages, although it requires users manually create, manage and exchange cryptography keys. For instant messaging, Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) encrypts conversations to keep them confidential between parties, although not all IM providers support OTR.
Encryption tools are generally effective for keeping prying eyes from reading e-mails, instant messages and other content sent to and fro. One caveat is these tools do not prevent law enforcement, ISPs and others from determining who is communicating, when and from what location—information that may be as sensitive as the messages themselves.
Host-proof hosting
Data storage services from Amazon, Apple, Dropbox and others can house gigabytes of data in 'the cloud' that users can access from a variety of devices, including PCs, tablets and smartphones. Unfortunately, existing privacy laws—in particular the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act—have not caught up with today's electronic communications. That law considers information including e-mails 'abandoned' and available to law enforcement if they are stored for more than 180 days on a service provider's server.
So-called 'host-proof' data storage services have emerged in recent years to provide an added layer of security to stored information. Apple iCloud and Dropbox, for example, encrypt customer data while it is uploaded and stored on the companies' servers. Host-proof providers such as SpiderOak and Wuala encrypt customer data on the customers' computers before—as well as during and after—the data are uploaded to the cloud. The idea is that the host cannot read the data it stores, making it less liable to turn over data to law enforcement when they come calling (although it remains to be seen how this will work in practice).

Web Confidential 5 0 46 +


  • 1Feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.

    ‘we require outgoing, confident people able to approach large groups'
    • ‘a confident smile'
    • ‘Before we go out onto the field, he makes everyone so relaxed and confident in their own ability.'
    • ‘Instead, he was too trusting, perhaps too confident in his own ability to keep everything together.'
    • ‘They refused to be overawed by Brazil, and came out fully confident in their ability to win.'
    • ‘You have to be confident in your own ability and trust the people you have around you.'
    • ‘She had been writing songs and performing since she was a child and was confident in her abilities.'
    • ‘I have always been confident in my own ability and thankfully it paid off.'
    • ‘We are obviously confident in our own ability but it will be quite difficult to go straight up this year.'
    • ‘Privileged kids are far more relaxed and confident in huge, posh colleges.'
    • ‘It's little wonder that she used to consider herself to be fearless on stage but much less confident in front of a camera.'
    • ‘Some people think I'm not capable of doing well, but I'm quite confident in myself.'
    • ‘They found pupils felt more confident in lessons, they were less distracted and did not feel the need to show off.'
    • ‘Be confident in yourself, show that to the judges and the people and you'll do great.'
    • ‘So from a very early age I've always felt very confident in and on the water.'
    • ‘Dog handlers have to be able to work by themselves and to be confident in doing so, he said.'
    • ‘Feeling more confident in the arms of this stranger who was not a stranger, Ellen's back stiffened.'
    • ‘Longstanding drivers who know the rules were confident in saying no to management.'
    • ‘I walk in with confident ease and smile at the people I pass, who are only too happy to see me.'
    • ‘This is not the remark of someone confident in his own identity and prospects.'
    • ‘They are also happier, more confident and develop better abilities to concentrate.'
    • ‘This is a slick yet wearable collection that just begs to be worn with killer heels and a sexy, confident smile.'
    self-assured, assured, sure of oneself, self-confident, positive
    View synonyms
    1. 1.1Feeling or showing certainty about something.
      • ‘I am not very confident about tonight's game'
      • ‘He was certainly very confident that there were places where autism could be treated.'
      • ‘If he is confident of a positive response from his squad then the fun is set to begin for United fans.'
      • ‘While it is too early to record any positive results yet, Pam is quietly confident that it will help.'
      • ‘I'm confident that Kevin is working hard to make sure that that's something that we deal with.'
      • ‘We are confident of our sources and satisfied with the veracity of the story.'
      • ‘He was confident of winning with a stoppage and I'm sure he would have done if he'd had the chance.'
      • ‘As has been said before, it's better to be confident of a good result than hopeful of a great one.'
      • ‘However, when prices dive so low, how can we be confident that no one is being exploited at the manufacturing end?'
      • ‘And the two writers are confident that it is going to be pure fun in the months and years to come.'
      • ‘Helen is still paying back loans she took on this investment but she is confident about the future.'
      • ‘I do believe we should be reasonably confident about our prospects for the future.'
      • ‘He said he was very confident that agriculture had a bright future in the enlarged EU.'
      • ‘It is a very ambitious target but the group is confident that it will succeed.'
      • ‘The company said it had employed a team of top experts to look into the matter and was confident that none of the houses was in any danger.'
      • ‘He added that the firm had monitored the local market for several months and was confident that the units would be taken up.'
      • ‘Obviously he can't make any promises but I am confident that he will look at the arguments carefully.'
      • ‘She is confident that any new features, including work to complete a path, will boost the park's image.'
      • ‘They should all be confident of an appropriate and a caring response, he promised.'
      • ‘Investors therefore feel more confident about the outlook for company profits and stock markets.'
      • ‘That, in a small way, makes me feel more confident about carrying on with my plan.'


Web Confidential 5 0 46 Bolum

  • A confidant.

    ‘His parents were his closest confidents and friends in a sense, but they were still his parents.'
    • ‘The fact is (and this would be an interesting subject for a later post) it really seems like most great artistic products are the broadcasts of a cabal: the proceedings of a small group of confidents exposed to a wide audience.'
    • ‘It was now that I began to realize that those whom I had been great friends with during elementary were slowly dropping from my side, joining new confidents like the skaters or the Goths.'
    • ‘They wanted nothing to do with the black market or its confidents.'
    • ‘‘Nope, you guys are my only confidents,' he said smiling.'

Web Confidential 5 0 46 Hydraulic Oil

Web Confidential 5 0 46


Late 16th century from French confident(e), from Italian confidente, from Latin confident- ‘having full trust', from the verb confidere, from con- (expressing intensive force) + fidere ‘trust'.

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